Friday, November 26, 2010

Create a successful blog for free

         Creating a successful blog

     Blogging.  I created a succesful blog  to voice myself. Before this experience I never know how intense the blogging world was. I had know clue you could profit from sharing knowledge or even just writing a review about the pro's and con's of a product or service you have experience with.  I'd like to create a tool for those out there who are virgins to the blogging experience like I once was.

So let me lay out the beginner steps...
  • Come up with a good name for your blog and keep the domain name short and simple.
  • Write with good content and rich information.
  • Design the lay out of your blog so it is easy to navigate through.
  • Continue to write post about your topic, however write five or six pillar posts that are informational and explain in detail how to do something, more or less a learning blog.
  • Promote your blog by networking with others, writing articles about your posts and summit your blog to blogger sites that will review them.
Come up with a good name for your blog and keep the domain name short and simple.
When you get going i would start out with a free blog site like blogger or wordpress, so if things don't work out at least you didn't pay for a year of hosting that you wont even use.  I've added their links below for your convienence.

When you chose a domain name keep it short and simple so your readers will remember it and tell others. At either site above you can get a free domain which will work fine to start with, however for ten dollars you can get your own domain at blogger, wordpress, and When creating a successful blog you will need to use keywords. What are keywords?  Read up on, keywords.

Write with good content and rich information.
How to get traffic to your blog is probably the biggest question. I started blogging about six months ago with no experience in it, so I read as many blogs as I could on how to increase traffic to blogs.  I have tried countless techniques that were mentioned in so many blogs and only a hand full of things have worked for me.  Let me start with saying the most important part of creating a successful blog is great content.

Content is what drives your repeat readers to your blog so why skimp on it, fill your post with informational content that will bring your readers back for more. Keep your content clean and rich with new ideas that other bloggers have not touched on yet.

Before you start writing I think its important to read what others are blogging about and how they set up there blog.  Now I am not saying copy some else, I am simply saying you can learn alot by example. Staying original is key when creating a successful blog, no one wants to read the same thing twice.  However, you will notice there are millions of people blogging and most of them blog about the same thing but most of them also have something to offer know one else does: that's what makes there blog interesting.  Develop your own niche.

Design the lay out of your blog so it is easy to navigate through.

When designing your blog, be sure to make the blog easy to navigate through because if your readers are getting lost there most likely not gonna stay or not come back to read more.

Continue to write post about your topic, however write five or six pillar posts that are informational and explain in detail how to do something, more or less a learning blog.
Write pillar posts to start your blog off . Pillar post are the articles that will drive readers to your blog.  Pillar post are written to explain a topic or to explain how to do something that will help reader for years to come (you may have picked up that this post is a pillar post!).  For example if you were starting a blog and the blog was about home improvements, I would write five or six pillar posts before i published it on how to remodel a (fill in the blank) or how to paint with out getting paint on the (again fill in the blank).  Do you see what I am getting at?  This step is very important because if a reader comes into your blog and likes what you are offering them then he/she will come back and their word of mouth doesn't hurt either. I recommend writing as many posts as you can with a variety of topics, your readers will value that you always have new info and come back more often.  Plus by offering more you will bring in a wider range of people.

Promote your blog by networking with others, writing articles about your posts and summit your blog to blogger sites that will review them.
Once you have your blog ready for marketing . Getting traffic is the fun part especial if your a beginner . This is the make or break it point, traffic wont come over night unless you pay for it or work it. So tell every one you know about your blog, then search around and read some of the blogs on the same topics as yours and if you think they have made a good point or you like what they did leave a comment saying something nice and offer some neutral information to get them to your site.  If the blogger likes what you have to offer he/she will then link to you and share traffic. This is key to do. Again, traffic does not come over night it takes months to produce a large amount of steady traffic. So before you launch your blog write articles about your blog but don't write false information or over hype your topic.  Here's some additonal advice on writing articles about your blog.

And once you get good you can learn to profit from blogging which I will get into on my next blog .  Stay tuned....  Or do some pre-work in the mean time.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to make money blogging for free.

 How To Make Money Blogging For Free 
        How To Make Money Blogging For Free? Is there a way to turn a profit from blogging with out spending allot of money? I was asked this question three time last week so I decided to write a article to reference to . How To Make Money Blogging For Free is a great question because there are ways to set up a blog and make money with them for no cost to you.

       The process i am going to lay out for you is relativity easy and any one can do it. Before I get going on these steps I wanna tell you a little about me self and how I got going. I have been blogging for some time now , when I started blogging I had very little knowledge on how this all works. I must have read two Hundred blogs about blogging and really never got my questions answered I basically had to figure this out on my own. So I thought by writing this post I could help some one out by laying all the steps out to save you a butt load of time.
             How To Make Money Blogging For Free

  •  Sign up at a free blogging service like Blogger or Wordpress.
  •  Once you are done  registering  you will need to pick a name for your blog
          This is very important , your blog should have a topic or a Niche. For example if your blog is about Remodeling For Beginners you are gonna want to choose a domain and a title that will explain what you are trying to get across to your readers like Remodeling For Beginners.

  •   Once your Title / Header and domain are set up you are ready to create a blog . Creating a template is were you have to be creative but do not confuse your readers with a unorganized blog because your readers wont return to your blog if they cant find what they are looking for .
  •    After you pick from the wide selection of blog templates you are ready to design your blog , I suggest you ad gadgets . For example I created this blog you are reading to show you an example of what I am talking about. Make sure you set up an AdSense account .
              AdSense are Ads that google displays on your blog, the AdSense program is in my opinion the best they will display relevant ads to match your content. The way AdSense works is when your readers come to your site and click through one of the AdSense ads google will pay you , yes its that simple.
  •   At this point you should be ready to create your posts, blogging is a very time consuming activity and if you don't put enough time into writing your content you wont be successful. So make sure you are writing and maintaining in your blog every day the more you write the better chances you will get traffic to your blog. Go to this link to read about Traffic, Blogging For Beginners,  Creating a Successful blog.

           At this point you should have set up a free blog , picked out your lay out of your blog and have AdSense displayed on your blog. After you have written a few pillar post you should be ready to market your blog and start to drive in the traffic . I suggest reading other blogs with the same topic to get ideas but stay original don't copy any one else. After you read Creating a Successful Blog and Increasing Traffic to your Blog you will have a better understanding on marketing, perform all the marketing steps and repeat and repeat again . Don't give up , once traffic starts to roll in you might want to look into amazon and other sites that offer products for you to sell on your blog that relate to your topics. That's called Affiliate programs I wont get into that now because that's a whole other lesson in its self so I wont confuse you but that's it and if you want to buy a custom domain then do so. I suggest buying a custom domain once you know your blog is getting the readers you want. So that should answer the the question how to make money blogging for free. 
                                   Reference to the tool area in this blog for great tools to increase your traffic.
            This should help you you make money blogging for free..Look at creating a successful blog for more tips on how to increase profits.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Federal Government housing issue and stock market news..

     Today the stock market hit it off with great gains,with NASDAQ ending the day with 2,441.23 a +23.31
 gain and the Dow Jones ending at 11,096.08 with a 75.68 gain. The Housing market has buttomed  out completly. Department of Housing has held a meeting about all the forclosers and what to do with them?

    Is the stock market making on a come back or is this a fluke ,On Tuesday stokes rose after there was talk about the feds buying treasury bonds some time in September ,this is could quantitative easing.The feds should focus more on whats going on in the work force instead of dumping money into equity.The small and medium business are the ones that are really taking the beating as well as the once out of work if those two were stimulated then that would build confidence in the country.

                      The Government should dump the money into business in the form of a loan of some sort so they have to use it for hiring and building and not self profit or else they would have to pay it back right away.You get the point . I have a couple of friends that are business owners and they all have one thing to say,the economy is in shambles, Their biggest struggle is getting enough of work to keep their employee's busy enough to keep them ,How ever most if not all of them have been forced to lay off their workers to be able to stay in business. Medium and small companies along with the unemployed that aren't taking advantage of the system are the ones that have been affected the most by this recession , The Government should have targeted these small business right off the bat when everything took a turn for the worst and offered more than what was offered to the unemployed for continuing education programs and economist predicted allot of the term oil could have been avoided,Instead the Government gave bail outs to big companies like AIG that most certainly took advantage of there help and every company after that who took money did as well, in my opinion there all crooks. The United States Department of Housing which Fannie and Freddie are failing in the worst way.The office of Federal Housing is so UN organized. Where is the financial assistance act and why is the housing market failing.

Federal Government makes cuts in Government salaries. To Deal With federal deficit.

                                 Federal Govenrment is having employee layoffs

      In today's news there was an article on more cuts and lay offs,I know what your saying what else is new but come to find out the Federal Govermert were the ones making the emplee lay off and there actions led to 95,000 in job loss this month aren't they supposed to be creating jobs not eliminating them.This must be the end of the stimulus,the recovery started June of 2009 and now in October 2010 the money is trickling out were did it all go.I know the state I live in has not spent a penny of their stimulus package yet what are they waiting for ? Sometimes I think a two year could run this country better than the government we elect to do the job.The country has not been in this kind of condition since the great depression,I thought we learned many lesions from those tragic times.We dont need the Govenrment to lay off employees.

        On a good note the Dow Jones is up over 11000 for the first time in five months ,lets hope it stays that way.There is trouble in the housing market today Fannie is holding back on foreclosures in 23 states .Fannie once again is have problems with the operations of its company,this time they cant figure out how to do paper work correctly.Fannie mae the mortgage company that buy mortgages from commercial lenders is holding up sales of homes that might have been foreclosed on bad faith.Can they really afford to do such a thing,The preparation of documents for these foreclosed homes were done half fast and now in the middle of sales the mortgage company decides to hold up sale to evaluate the situation a little closer you would think they would have done this already.The housing market is at its lowest in over a decade can they really afford these negligent actions ,will Fannie ever get out of the deep financial hole it has put its self in.When will the government come down on them i thought the feds were regulating them.For a company that is spending taxes payers money they seem to get away with all kinds of ****,Stock shares sit at .28 cents and don't seem to moving any time soon. Noyt good we don't need the Government to lay off emloyees.

Eztrader Scam or Not

       EZTRADER  a scam or not a scam?  That is the question.  One that alot of people have been wondering about.  About a year ago, I found the site through another trading site.  There was an ad in the top left-hand corner that offered option trading with high returns of 65% to 80%.  Being a eye grabber, I ventured over and clicked on the ad.  The next thing I know, I see  EZTRADER .com,  the 'Binary Options Trading Platform'. So I began reading all of the content on this site that I thought was too good to be true.  I read everything from the privacy statement, terms and conditions, to about eztrader and even the section that says past expires . Now if anyone has ever read any of this stuff on any website they know that the underwriters that write and supply this kind of information are really good at what they do because most of doesn't even make sense.  But the reason for writing that kind of content is to cover the website's *** so they aren't liable for any of your losses basically to sum it up.  Next I deposited money into my account and decided to try this site out first hand.  So I made a safe deposit with a prepay card that couldn't get racked up a month from the date I made my first deposit incase this site turned out to be bogus.
        Now a little about myself before I go any further, I have trading on the stock market for some time and I like to beleive that I know what I am doing,  or at least lets hope so for the sake of my future and bank account.  I have been actively trading stocks of all sorts for about 5 years now and have had really great results with the U.S market.  So before I had actually pressed that submit button I picked up the phone and called 1- 877-846-1365 to see if someone would really pick up the phone and they did.  I found out that they were located in Cypruss London and I'm not gonna lie that didn't make me feel good in any way knowing that if for any reason there was a problem I couldn't track them down or even file a law suit due to the fact they're not located in the U.S.  So I did more research and looked all over the web for anything I could dig up on and found very little content that said they were a scam. When I returned to their website I finely made my deposit to Eztrader and at the same time filled out the registration form, which let me tell you they didn't ask for a SS or tax id.  This is great because at first I had thought they were another company that likes to collect personal information and take off with your life savings or even take over-seas loans out in your name. 

         So the way eztrader works is pretty simple, they offer binary options and you either call or put on any of their selection.  This includes long-term trades which are usually week long trades, currencies, commodities, EU markets, indices or U.S, markets.  Each option basically has a start time and a end time and will run for about 3 hours or so.  For example if you were to go into U.S. markets there are a list of popular stocks such as Google, Apple, J.P.Morgan, Dell, Intel, and Coca-Cola to name some of what they have to offer. So they give you two options call or put.  Call means that you are betting that the stock final price will be higher than the price you executed at.  For example if you choose to call on Dell and the price was 14.48 when your time is up to win that call stock prices would have to be over 14.49.  Oppositely, a put option would mean that your betting on the stock price going down.

         Sounds pretty simple right?  Well it is however you really need to do your research and watch the market all day to better your odds.  The other catch is that Eztrader does not go off the actual price of the stock at that given closing time they base there numbers on bid+asking+last/3= price.  So that means their final result will be close to the market price but not exact.  They definitely can get you there and you must remember that the market changes its prices every second during the day.

        My overall best results are with long-term option because you as the trader can pick options for an index fund like Nasdaq or the Dow Jones that are based an index performance and over say a week you have a better chance of seeing your pick in the money.  I would say using Eztrader has been so far a pretty good experience overall.  However, when and if you decide to give Eztrader a chance make sure you withdraw your money as you start to grow your profits.  The withdraw process is probably a worse experience than the profits you will gain from using Eztrader.

Federal Unemployment News..... Umemployed benefits denied ....OH NO

Congress is supposed to meet and discuss what they are going to about the millions of jobless Americans that are on Unemployment Benefits . Is It even possibly to cut their unemployment benefits from them and wont that leave them and this economy in a worse position than we are all ready in. Congress says that employers are going to have a high unemployment insurance cost to foot for years to come and with that Congress thinks its best to cut the millions of Americans that have basically lost everything that they owed already from their unemployment benefits.

        Did Congress suffer at all during this economic down fall ? I don't think so they most likely profited from it , If the Government doesn't fix this mess they put all of us into they should kiss there jobs god buy. We as American people laid off or not have struggled enough and the more pressure they apply the more angry we get . Which is not helping any one so a little advise to Congress leave what little pay checks those that are laid off have alone because you wouldn't want to try explaining to your wife and kids why yo have to move or why they cant eat tonight and either do the rest of us. The Unemployment request for the deadline to move to February 28 2010 was denied , big mistake.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Unemployment is on High Alert..

                                 Unemployment Decision could change your outlook

    Congress is supposed to meet and discuss what they are going to about the millions of jobless Americans that are on Unemployment Benefits . Is It even possibly to cut their unemployment benefits from them and wont that leave them and this economy in a worse position than we are all ready in. Congress says that employers are going to have a high unemployment insurance cost to foot for years to come and with that Congress thinks its best to cut the millions of Americans that have basically lost everything that they owed already from their unemployment benefits.

   Did Congress suffer at all during this economic down fall ? I don't think so they most likely profited from it , Americans that are and have been unemployed are being punished . If the Government doesn't fix this unemployment benefit  mess they put all of us into they should kiss there jobs god buy. We as American people laid off or not have struggled enough and the more pressure they apply the more angry we get . Which is not helping any one so a little advise to Congress leave what little pay checks those that are laid off have alone because you wouldn't want to try explaining to your wife and kids why there going to  have to move or why they cant eat tonight and either do the rest of us. How are millions ever going to get back on there feet again, I'm sure there to blame for some of there bad dept or bad decisions.However Unemployment has to pass a bill of they will see a real depression , but not just pass an extension I would like to see a guidelines list for the unemployed . The thing I dont like is people that sit on unemployment and dont try to apply them selves so they suck of the system

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eztrader , eztrader binary option trading platform

       EZTRADER  a scam or not a scam?  That is the question.  One that alot of people have been wondering about.  About a year ago, I found the site through another trading site.  There was an ad in the top left-hand corner that offered option trading with high returns of 65% to 80%.  Being a eye grabber, I ventured over and clicked on the ad.  The next thing I know, I see  EZTRADER .com,  the 'Binary Options Trading Platform'. So I began reading all of the content on this site that I thought was too good to be true.  I read everything from the privacy statement, terms and conditions, to about eztrader and even the section that says past expires . Now if anyone has ever read any of this stuff on any website they know that the underwriters that write and supply this kind of information are really good at what they do because most of doesn't even make sense.  But the reason for writing that kind of content is to cover the website's *** so they aren't liable for any of your losses basically to sum it up.  Next I deposited money into my account and decided to try this site out first hand.  So I made a safe deposit with a prepay card that couldn't get racked up a month from the date I made my first deposit incase this site turned out to be bogus.
        Now a little about myself before I go any further, I have trading on the stock market for some time and I like to beleive that I know what I am doing,  or at least lets hope so for the sake of my future and bank account.  I have been actively trading stocks of all sorts for about 5 years now and have had really great results with the U.S market.  So before I had actually pressed that submit button I picked up the phone and called 1- 877-846-1365 to see if someone would really pick up the phone and they did.  I found out that they were located in Cypruss London and I'm not gonna lie that didn't make me feel good in any way knowing that if for any reason there was a problem I couldn't track them down or even file a law suit due to the fact they're not located in the U.S.  So I did more research and looked all over the web for anything I could dig up on and found very little content that said they were a scam. When I returned to their website I finely made my deposit to Eztrader and at the same time filled out the registration form, which let me tell you they didn't ask for a SS or tax id.  This is great because at first I had thought they were another company that likes to collect personal information and take off with your life savings or even take over-seas loans out in your name. 

         So the way eztrader works is pretty simple, they offer binary options and you either call or put on any of their selection.  This includes long-term trades which are usually week long trades, currencies, commodities, EU markets, indices or U.S, markets.  Each option basically has a start time and a end time and will run for about 3 hours or so.  For example if you were to go into U.S. markets there are a list of popular stocks such as Google, Apple, J.P.Morgan, Dell, Intel, and Coca-Cola to name some of what they have to offer. So they give you two options call or put.  Call means that you are betting that the stock final price will be higher than the price you executed at.  For example if you choose to call on Dell and the price was 14.48 when your time is up to win that call stock prices would have to be over 14.49.  Oppositely, a put option would mean that your betting on the stock price going down.

         Sounds pretty simple right?  Well it is however you really need to do your research and watch the market all day to better your odds.  The other catch is that Eztrader does not go off the actual price of the stock at that given closing time they base there numbers on bid+asking+last/3= price.  So that means their final result will be close to the market price but not exact.  They definitely can get you there and you must remember that the market changes its prices every second during the day.

        My overall best results are with long-term option because you as the trader can pick options for an index fund like Nasdaq or the Dow Jones that are based an index performance and over say a week you have a better chance of seeing your pick in the money.  I would say using Eztrader has been so far a pretty good experience overall.  However, when and if you decide to give Eztrader a chance make sure you withdraw your money as you start to grow your profits.  The withdraw process is probably a worse experience than the profits you will gain from using Eztrader.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Government employees owe back taxes

        Government Back Taxes

        Government Employees Owe three billion In Back Taxes , this morning I read an article on CNBC that blew my mind. The Government is now looking at their employees for 3.3billion dollars in back tax . Federal employees have the same rights as every one else, and I am sure the economy has put an dent in their wallet along with the rest of the world. However its about time the Fed's take a look in their own back yard. The list of Federal Agency's that owes taxes are:

1. The US Postall Services , A total of more than 283 million in back taxes.

2. Department of Veteran Affairs, Owe more than 156 million in back taxes.

3. Retired Military personnel, Owe 1.5 billion dollars.

4. Even employees in the White House about 2000 of them in exclusive positions owe 831,000.

    That's just a few of the Federal agency's that owes taxes to the IRS.This cant help the national debt percentage. The list also includes the Mining  Safety and Health Review Commission and the Federal Printing Office follow them at 11 percent of their employees owing back taxes. The Federal Government needs to fix the deficit , however its not right to single out if you do for one you have to due for all. The Gov should enforce this situation like they are normal citizens. The federal Government has bigger problems they have to worry about helping the work force or no one will be paying taxes and that's a fact. The economy has struggled since 2007 and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. If the Fed's pumped money into a program that would promote small business to rehire or hire again they could see a turn in this suffering economy. By setting up small business with repayable loans or non repayable grants or some sort of program that would help business to fund there operation growth. Business are failing because their not able to stay a float. Spending money is the key if more people had their incomes back they would spend but because there i a fair of  people wont spend . Eliminate that fair . The Fed's have programs they need to push , there so focused on the stock market which is not working . Some thing needs to be done this country is on its last leg the crime rate has sky rocketed over the last 3 years due to all the desperate people that are troubled the most. Did welfare take a degrease in there check because I think the one's that don't even work or contribute need to get a pay decrease as well. Their are to many people that take advantage of us and our good faith .

To read the article go to CNBC.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Eztrader , scam or not Eztrader Binary Option Trading Platform

             EZTRADER  a scam or not a scam?  That is the question.  One that alot of people have been wondering about.  About a year ago, I found the site through another trading site.  There was an ad in the top left-hand corner that offered option trading with high returns of 65% to 80%.  Being a eye grabber, I ventured over and clicked on the ad.  The next thing I know, I see  EZTRADER .com,  the 'Binary Options Trading Platform'. So I began reading all of the content on this site that I thought was too good to be true.  I read everything from the privacy statement, terms and conditions, to about eztrader and even the section that says past expires . Now if anyone has ever read any of this stuff on any website they know that the underwriters that write and supply this kind of information are really good at what they do because most of doesn't even make sense.  But the reason for writing that kind of content is to cover the website's *** so they aren't liable for any of your losses basically to sum it up.  Next I deposited money into my account and decided to try this site out first hand.  So I made a safe deposit with a prepay card that couldn't get racked up a month from the date I made my first deposit incase this site turned out to be bogus.
        Now a little about myself before I go any further, I have trading on the stock market for some time and I like to beleive that I know what I am doing,  or at least lets hope so for the sake of my future and bank account.  I have been actively trading stocks of all sorts for about 5 years now and have had really great results with the U.S market.  So before I had actually pressed that submit button I picked up the phone and called 1- 877-846-1365 to see if someone would really pick up the phone and they did.  I found out that they were located in Cypruss London and I'm not gonna lie that didn't make me feel good in any way knowing that if for any reason there was a problem I couldn't track them down or even file a law suit due to the fact they're not located in the U.S.  So I did more research and looked all over the web for anything I could dig up on and found very little content that said they were a scam. When I returned to their website I finely made my deposit to Eztrader and at the same time filled out the registration form, which let me tell you they didn't ask for a SS or tax id.  This is great because at first I had thought they were another company that likes to collect personal information and take off with your life savings or even take over-seas loans out in your name. 

         So the way eztrader works is pretty simple, they offer binary options and you either call or put on any of their selection.  This includes long-term trades which are usually week long trades, currencies, commodities, EU markets, indices or U.S, markets.  Each option basically has a start time and a end time and will run for about 3 hours or so.  For example if you were to go into U.S. markets there are a list of popular stocks such as Google, Apple, J.P.Morgan, Dell, Intel, and Coca-Cola to name some of what they have to offer. So they give you two options call or put.  Call means that you are betting that the stock final price will be higher than the price you executed at.  For example if you choose to call on Dell and the price was 14.48 when your time is up to win that call stock prices would have to be over 14.49.  Oppositely, a put option would mean that your betting on the stock price going down.

         Sounds pretty simple right?  Well it is however you really need to do your research and watch the market all day to better your odds.  The other catch is that Eztrader does not go off the actual price of the stock at that given closing time they base there numbers on bid+asking+last/3= price.  So that means their final result will be close to the market price but not exact.  They definitely can get you there and you must remember that the market changes its prices every second during the day.

        My overall best results are with long-term option because you as the trader can pick options for an index fund like Nasdaq or the Dow Jones that are based an index performance and over say a week you have a better chance of seeing your pick in the money.  I would say using Eztrader has been so far a pretty good experience overall.  However, when and if you decide to give Eztrader a chance make sure you withdraw your money as you start to grow your profits.  The withdraw process is probably a worse experience than the profits you will gain from using Eztrader.

Increase blog traffic , instantly increase in blog traffic


                How To Increase Your Blog Traffic
               How to increase your blog traffic? Increasing your blog traffic is very important if you want readers. There are so many bloggers on the web today all with the same goal and that is to create a successful blog. Once your blog and its content has been perfected to the best of your ability then your ready to advertise in the market your blog falls into. Before you start the marketing process there is one thing I want you to think about and that is social marketing or social networking. These two techniques are very important for any one that whats a solid audience. Most bloggers are strictly after the traffic which will generate them revenue with  adsence or other affiliate programs. Which is necessary but some of the bloggers are actually hurting there image because there pushing the sale to quick . Half of the comments they leave will accusal back link to their site and the other half ignores them. Why loss 50% of your traffic source when you could leave a more inviting comment and make some kind of personal link connection with each other and gain a faithful audience that will continue to return to your blog . If your trying to increase your traffic to your blog read the list below for some helpful hints .

1. Supply rich informative content to your audience, also make sure that your blog has up to date content so your readers aren't reading content they saw on another blog. Right now your probably saying well this is not the first time I read a blog about increasing traffic , and yes you are right however I am focusing on not only increasing traffic but also social marketing and social networking.

2. Perform a google blog search on similar content as yours and read their blog don't just leave a comment that has no relevance to their article. However comment on topics that interests you or content you agreed with show a liking to the blogger and make an alliance. This technique will create a back link to your blog.

3. Then as reader visit your blog and comment about your post or article make sure to respond to there comment .

4. You can target your audience with rich keywords, check out google adwords they have a great keyword tool that will give you the best keywords for your topic or niche.

5. Network through facebook, twitter, diggit, blogarama and those are just a few to mention if you want to find more visit my website at The Money District for a list of site to launch your site.

6. Write an article at enzine article's to promote your blog , explain in your article how it will help other and if your post is about Increasing traffic to your blog like this post then explain how you can offer your readers a way to generate traffic that no one else can . But don't lie be truthful that's the only way to gain loyal reader that will continue to return to your blog.

7. Continue to write post and articles every day the more you write the better your results are going to be in the long run. You should be submitting at least a post a day.

8. Repeat this process over and over again .

            Start out on the right foot and don't piss off other bloggers by spamming on their blog and don't send out emails to every one you know trying to sell your content because that will get you a bad name. Send your blog to people in your life and ask them to read your blog, then kindly ask them to leave a comment or email you back with their likes and dislikes. This way you can fix any errors or supply more content if needed . By practicing these steps you will be able to increase your blog traffic.